Not in so many words, I guess, but it was alluded to. When I was 26 or 27, my doctor looked at me so cold and said, "if you're going to have any babies you better hurry up and do it now because before too long you're not going to be able to." Well then, let me kick start my maternal instinct and get this family started, umm, not. I didn't have the most familial upbringing as it was, and so that instinctive bonding just didn't seem as inherent within me as it did with most other women I knew. Frankly I blame most of it on societal conditioning and the media at large, but I'm quite sensitized to that anyway, but I won't make this about all that right now. What I will make it about is what my doctors set me up for, solitude. Granted, I have free will, the ability to make the ultimate choices about my life, but when you're made to feel fear about who you are and what you are to become, rationale doesn't play into your decision making, fear co...